I came to ERASMUS+ programme from Latvia. I had a great semester here in Katowice at the University of Silesia. For me the best part about the learning experience was the workshops. I would enjoyed if there were more of workshops like these. I liked the practical stuff the most. I can really appreciate, when I can actually work with camera, lights, actors e.t.c. I also liked that the teachers were there all the time, suggesting things and observing the process. As a cinematographer the best thing was that I had a chance to work with a light department and Polish students, who made the light setups. In my own experience I usually have only 2-3 assistants, and also have to work with lights myself. Here, in the workshops, it was great, that I could tell the light department, what kind of lights I want, and proceed with other important things, such as framing, blocking, rehearsal with actors etc.
Andris Dadzītis
Nationality: Latvia
Year of Study: 2018/2019