The film "The Hero" (2021), dir. Milena Dutkowska, produced at the Kieślowski Film School was awarded as the best Eastern European film with a prize worth 1,500 Euro funded by the city of Selb during the 45th edition of Grenzland-Filmtage Selb in Germany.
"The Hero" tells the story of Cyprian - a 10-year-old orphan who, faced with suffering, dreams of becoming a true hero. The film's cinematographer is Igor Połaniewicz. Ernest Małkiewicz was responsible for production management. The producer of the film is Krystyna Doktorowicz (Kieślowski Film School of the University of Silesia).
The Grenzland-Filmtage Selb International Film Festival aims to support new and emerging talent. The 45th edition of the Grenzland-Filmtage Selb was held on April 21-24 in Selb.
List of festival laureates:
Lista laureatów festiwalu: link