Documentary short film "Time to Revolt" (2022), dir. Daniel Le Hai produced at the Kieślowski Film School received Jantar 2022 for a short documentary at the 41st Koszalin Film Debuts Festival "Młodzi i Film". The prize was awarded for "a heroine full of idealism who tries to calm the contemporary storm".
Among this year's laureates of the festival there is a large representation of graduates of the Kieślowski Film School:
- The main prize of the festival, Wielki Jantar, was won by the film "Other People" directed by Aleksandra Terpińska
- Jantar in the Feature-Length Documentary Debuts Competition won the film "Bucolic" directed by Karol Pałka
- The award for cinematography in the Feature-Length Documentary Debuts Competition went to Karol Pałka for the film "Bucolic"
- The Youth Jury Prize was awarded to the film "Sonata" directed by Bartosz Blaschke
- The Audience Award went to the film "Sonata" directed by Bartosz Blaschke
- The Special Award of the Studio Cinemas Association went to the film "Broys", directed by Marcin Filipowicz
- Special Mention for a documentary in the Short Film Debuts Competition was awarded to Marcin Lesisz for the film "The Rocking Horses"
The 41st edition of Koszalin Festival of Film Debuts Młodzi i Film was held on June 6-11 in Koszalin.