Short film “The Hero” (2021) dir. Milena Dutkowska, produced by the Kieślowski Film School, comes back from the 51. Lubuskie Lato Filmowe in Łagów with the Special Mention of the Jury of the Short Fiction Competition.
The Special Mention was awarded for the “ability to show in a simple form about the meaning of the sharing universal values and their role in the life of a child”. Special Mention was awarded by the Jury: Jakub Armata, Andrzej Goleniewski and Mirosław Dembiński.
“The Hero” tells a story of Cyprian, a 10-year-old orphan who dreams of becoming a real hero. The cinematographer of the film is Igor Połaniewicz. Production management was taken over by Ernest Małkiewicz. Producer of the film is Krystyna Doktorowicz (Kieślowski Film School, University of Silesia in Katowice).
51. Lubuskie Lato Filmowe took place between 26. June and 3. July 2022.