Four films produced by the Kieślowski Film School in Katowice will take part in the Polish Short Film Competition during the 15. Kameralne Lato festival in Radom.
The presented films are:
- „Dzieci i ryby” (2022) reż. Gracjana Piechula
- „Funeralia” (2022) reż. Bartłomiej Błaszczyński
- „Dygot” (2022) reż. Joanna Różniak
- „Szukam” (2022) reż. Karolina Belka
15. Kameralne Lato festival will take place between 3 and 9. July in Radom. Polish Film Meetings KAMERALNE LATO are a mixture of the film screenings and film competitions with the workshops and many additional events. Since this year the competitive part of the event is called FREEDOM Film Festival. Except of the annual national competition of the selected Polish short films, the organizers prepared also an international competition.