Produced at the Kieślowski Film School film "Liberty" (2021), dir. Joanna Różniak returns from the 5th edition of the Beach Film Festival in North Macedonia with the award for the best student short film. This year's jury including: Srdjan Dragojevic (Serbia), Caveh Zahedi (USA) and Fred Kelemen (Germany).
"Liberty" takes place in the near-distant dystopian future, where citizens rebel against an increasingly oppressive nationalist government. The cinematographer for the film is Łukasz Łatanik. Maria Kawalec was responsible for production management. The producer of the film is Krystyna Doktorowicz.
Full list of laureates: link
The 5th edition of the Beach Film Festival was held in the city of Ohrid on July 20-24 this year. The etudes: "Forever" (2021), dir. Aleksandra Kamińska and "Hide and Seek" (2022), dir. Karolina Belka.