Produced at the Kieslowski Film School documentary shorts "Joanna d'Arc" (2022) dir. Aleksander Szamałek and "Imprisoned" (2021) dir. Piotr Bieliński, return from the 20th edition of the Opolskie Lamy Film Festival with awards in the Main Short Film Competition in the documentary category. The awards were granted by the Jury composed of: Katarzyna Kebernik, Mateusz Demski and Michał Ciechomski.
"Imprisoned", dir. Piotr Bieliński received a special mention for "raising an important and current topic, for capturing and presenting a non-obvious parental relationship that brings hope and understanding."
"Joanna d'Arc", dir. Aleksander Szamałek received a special mention for "sensitivity and empathy in portraying a non-obvious, strong and steadfast heroine."
This year's laureates of the Feature Film Main Competition include graduates of the Kieslowski Film School. Marcin Filipowicz received the Grand Prix among feature films for the film "Broys". On the other hand, Piotr Rosołowski together with Elwira Nievera received the Grand Prix among documentary productions for the film "Hamlet Syndrome".
The 20th Opolskie Lamy Film Festival was held on October 7-15, 2022.