Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

Patricia Nogueira as a guest lecturer at Kieślowski Film School

Photo Krzysztof Szlapa

For the last two weeks we had the pleasure of hosting a lecturer from Universidade da Beira Interior - UBI!

Dr. Patricia Nogueira teaches classes at the Faculty of Art of the University of Portugal on a daily basis, her extensive experience in the field of documentary films allowed her to teach a course at Kieślowski Film School.

Interactive Documentary - classes during which students of our faculty learned what an interactive documentary film is, how it is created, how its perception is influenced by the implementation of narrative - traditional and the newer one, giving the viewer a better opportunity to experience. The classes were aimed at enabling students to master the necessary tools to create interactive audiovisual content in the documentary layer. The students were presented with several examples of interactive films, pointing to the differences and directions followed by their creators.

On behalf of the students of the Kieślowski Film School, we would like to thank you for conducting classes that will surely be remembered by them.