Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

A film with crew composing of some of our students and graduates awarded at the Cannes Film Festival!


"The Zone of Interest" directed by Jonathan Glazer won the Grand Prix in the Main Competition of this year's Festival de Cannes! Wonderful news!

The international jury awarded the second most important prize at the Cannes Festival to the British-Polish co-production directed by Jonathan Glazer, which makes us extremely happy, because our students and graduates worked on the film as well, congratulations!

Congratulations to everyone associated with the film, in particular to Bartosz Toboła (camera assistant and camera operator), Stanisław Cuske (camera operator), Maja Krężel (production assistant) and Marek Kita (camera assistant) and Krzysztof Świderski (video assistant).

The film had its world premiere on May 19. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the photo report from the red carpet, which we posted in one of our previous posts on our social media.

The winners of this year's edition of the festival can be found here: link