Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

Two of Our Productions to be Featured in the 14th Kamera Akcja Festival

Kadr z Herstory reż. Tomasz Stuleblak

The 14th edition of the Kamera Akcja Festival will feature two short films from our production!

🎬 Herstory | directed by Tomasz Stuleblak | cinematography by Daniel Le Hai & Jan Barszczewski | prod management by Dorota Chłapek, Aleksandra Gajdosz & Weronika Podgórska

This short film has been qualified for the international competition titled Authors Spotlight. As a part of the competition, the film will be presented on October 13, 2023, at the Cinema Museum in Łódź at 19:45.


Kadr z Wróg reż. Piotr Bieliński

🎬 Foe | director Piotr Bielinski | cinematography Jan Barszczewski | production management Aleksandra Gajdosz.

Directed by Piotr Bielinski, "Foe" was included in Authors Spotlight Extra (Block I) and will therefore be presented exclusively on the VOD platform (Think Film), available to festival participants on October 16, 2023, at 18:00.

A hearty congratulations to the teams and good luck!

The 14th Kamera Akcja Film Art Critics Festival is set to be held in Łódź from October 12 to October 15, 2023, and from October 16 to 19, 2023, on the VOD platform, Think Film.

The festival information can be found at the following: link