Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |

„Sophie’s Ordinary Life” wins the Short Film Competition at 43rd Polish Film Festival

Photo of Dominika Gnatek, by Agnieszka Kokowska

During the Young Gala on the New Stage of Musical Theatre on Friday 21. September 2018, Jury oft he Short Film Competition composed of:

  • Maria Sadowska
  • Norah McGettigan
  • Leszek Starzyński

choose the winners oft he Competition.

Lucjan Bokiniec Award For The Best Film in The Short Film Competition was awarded tot he director Dominika Gnatek for her film „Sophie’s Ordinary Life“ (DoP. Mariusz Rychłowski, prod. Anna Oryl). Jury motivated its choice: „for the topic, great acting and expertise as well as tackling difficult matters in a warm and unpretentious way“.

Sophie’s Ordinary Life on Facebook

More information: link, link, link