The tenth documentary workshop has come to an end, which for the first time did not target humans, but animals! And it was also a wild animal.
The workshops took place in the Beskid Sądecki on the slopes of Eliaszówka from October 3 to 10, 2020. Masterclass for first-year students: directing and cinematography was conducted by Krystian Matysek - our excellent graduate, author of films such as "Dziobem i pazurem" ( 2001), "Niedźwiedź - władca gór" (2012), "Piasek jest drapieżnikiem" (2005), "Łowcy miodu" (2015). Beata Dzianowicz provided pedagogical supervision over the workshops.
For the results of hunting the animals with their lenses we will have to still wait a bit.