The film “Mother's Day” (2021), directed by Patryk Kaflowski, qualified for the International Competition at the Bengaluru International Short Film Festival in India. The event takes place from August 28 - September 5, 2021. The Indian festival is on the prestigious list of festivals qualifying for an Oscar in the short fiction category.
The film is about a female fox that travels through the forest in search of food. When she reaches the edge of the forest, she comes across a lonely farm, where she witnesses the turbulent events involving a young woman expecting a baby.
Full list of the competition selection: link
The cinematographer of the film is Michał Walter. Both he and the director Patryk Kaflowski are responsible for the editing. Krzysztof Lang was responsible for artistic supervision over the production.
The film had its world premiere at the 40th edition of Koszalin Festival of Film Debuts “Młodzi i Film” on June 17, 2021.