Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School      |


Short films produced at the Kieślowski Film School: "Anew" (2020), dir. Zofia Sawicka, "Joanna d'Arc" (2022) dir. Aleksandra Szamałka, "The Hero" (2021) dir. Milena Dutkowska and "Slave" (2021) dir. Grzegorz Piekarski return from the 7th edition of the Lower Silesian Film Festival “Złoty Samorodek” in Złotoryja with prizes.

Zofia Sawicka won the documentary competition with her short film "Anew" (2020).The second place went to the film "Joanna d'Arc" (2022), dir. Alexander Szamałek.

Milena Dutkowska for the film "The Hero" (2021) was second in the fiction category. The third place went to the film "Slave" (2021) dir. Grzegorz Piekarski.

Among the winners of the festival there is also the animated film "C`est la vie", co-directed by an employee of the Kieślowski Film School, Wojciech Sankiewicz. "C`est la vie" won in the competition for the animated productions.

The prizes were awarded by the jury composed of: Małgorzata Dancewicz (film expert), Michał Staniszewski (screenwriter, film expert) and the actor Łukasz Matecki.

The full list of laureates: link

The 7. Lower Silesian Film Festival “Złoty Samorodek” was held on September 30 - 2.10 in the cinema halls of the Złotoryja Cultural Center ("Aurum" cinema) in Złotoryja.

Photo Dominika Osypanko / CK OFF

Two short films produced at the Kieślowski Film School: "The Cabin" (2021), dir. Bartosz Toboła and "Mother's Day" (2021) dir. Patryk Kaflowski return from the 16th edition of CK OFF - Independent Cinema Festival in Przemyśl with prizes.

Grand Prix - Bartosz Toboła received the first financial award and festival statuette for the film "The Cabin". The film was awarded for "a penetrating break-up study, suspense and unexpected ending sponsored by an excellent acting".

The third financial award and the festival statuette went to Patryk Kaflowski, director of the film "Mother's Day". The film was appreciated for "moving visual impressions, tasteful shots and the presence of a fox".

The prizes were awarded by the Jury composed of: Piotr Czarnecki (chairman), Anna Demczuk and Piotr Bałajan. The prizes and awards were funded by the Cultural Center in Przemyśl.

The 16th edition of CK OFF was held from September 30 to October 1, 2022.


16 short films qualified for this year's competition of the 16. CK OFF - Independent Cinema Festival in Przemyśl. Among them are 4 short films produced at the Kieślowski Film School in Katowice. The 16. edition of CK OFF will be held on September 30 - October 1, 2022.

Our films in the CK OFF Competition:

  • "The Cabin" (2021), directed by: Bartosz Toboła // cinematography: Bartosz Toboła // production management: Aleksandra Kubisa
  • "Mother's Day" (2021), directed by: Patryk Kaflowski // cinematography: Patryk Roman // production management: Katarzyna Bielińska, Konrad Petrenko-Goljanek
  • "Group Theory" (2021), directed by: Zuzanna Karpińska // cinematography: Grzegorz Myjkowski
  • "Bonds" (2022), directed by: Aleksandra Kamińska // cinematography: Aleksandra Kamińska // production management: Anna Żychowska, Katarzyna Bielińska

The CK OFF festival is organized in the form of a competition aimed at supporting and promoting the artistic vision and imagination of independent filmmakers. The project was initiated by the Zwellinder film group from Przemyśl and the Cultural Center in Przemyśl. The organizers want to popularize independent Polish film art.


"Roving Woman" - the Polish-American feature debut of Michał Chmielewski, this year's graduate of directing at the Kieślowski Film School is included in the official selection of the Raindance Film Festival, where he will compete for the Discovery Award. It will be the European premiere of the film.

The film "Roving Woman" is loosely inspired by the story of the mysterious disappearance of artist Connie Converse in the 1970s. Lena Góra ("The King of Warsaw") co-writes and plays the lead role. Next to her are John Hawkes ("Winter’s Bone") and Chris Hanley ("American Psycho"), and executive producer is road movie legend director Wim Wenders ("Wings of Desire").

The Raindance Film Festival was founded in 1992 and is now the largest independent film festival in Great Britain. This year's edition will be held on October 26 - November 5, 2022.


30 short films were qualified for this year's competitions of the 7th edition of the Lower Silesian Film Festival “Złoty Samorodek”.Among them, there are as many as 9 short films produced by the Kieślowski Film School in Katowice. The 7th edition of the Lower Silesian Film Festival will take place on September 30 - 2.10 in the cinema halls of the Złotoryja Cultural Center ("Aurum" cinema) in Złotoryja.

Our films in the Fiction Competition:

  • "Flora" (2021), direction and cinematography: Karolina Monwid-Olechnowicz // production management: Małgorzata Miszczak
  • "Slave" (2021), director: Grzegorz Piekarski // cinematography: Antoni Grałek // production management: Natalia Pietsch, Maja Zaleska, Grzegorz Piekarski, Antoni Grałek
  • "The Delivery" (2021), director: Katarzyna Sikorska // cinematography: Arkadiusz Powałka // production management: Adrianna Orych
  • "The Hero" (2021), dir. Milena Dutkowska // photos: Igor Połaniewicz // production management: Ernest Małkiewicz
  • "Vyraj" (2020), dir. Agnieszka Nowosielska // photos: Barbara Kaniewska // production management: Małgorzata Miszczak

Our films in the Documentary Competition:

  • "Time to Revolt" (2022), director: Daniel Le Hai // cinematography: Daniel Le Hai // production management: Filip Kantor
  • "Joanna d'Arc" (2022), director: Aleksander Szamałek // cinematography: Aleksander Szamałek // production management: Maria Kawalec
  • "Holding Your Breath" (2021), director: Katarzyna Sikorska // cinematography: Arkadiusz Powałka // production management: Barbara Owsińska
  • "Anew" (2020), directed by: Zofia Sawicka // cinematography: Marcin Kundera