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Award for the best script for Piotr Domalewski During the Early Bird International Student Film Festival in Sofia, Piotr Domalewski won the Best Script Award for Evil Deeds.

The International Bird Student Film Festival Early Bird is the largest Bulgarian event dedicated to student short films.

The full list of winners is here.

A still from the film

Disorder directed by Julian Tałandziewicz and with Maciej Kwaśniewski as a DoP, became the best student film of The International Film Festival Autumn in Voronet.

It was already the 35th edition of the Festival, during which Romanian and foreign films compete, among them 31, which went through the pre-selection stage.

The full list of winners is here.

Photo from the film "Dust"

In Jihlava the International Documentary Film Festival and the accompanying East Silver Fair have just finished. During these Jakub Radej received the Silver Eye Award for the film Dust.

Fort he 9. time the best films have been awarded the Silver Eye prize. The award is intended to help creators to promote and distribute the film on international film and television festivals.

Jury appreciated Radej‘s film for showing the topic of death in the conceptual, detached from emotion way, its beautiful pictures and elaborate editing.

More information here.


The award for the best film, funded by the President of the City of Szczecin, was awarded ex aequo for the film "I am" directed by Grzegorz Paprzycki. The Jury motivated the choice stating that the prize goes to the production that speaks of modern way of thinking: between evil and good, rationalism and irrationality, religion and atheism, proving that it can not be understood.

All winners can be found under the link.